Why You Need to Use Natural Insect Repellent

Natural Insect Repellent

Trying to keep biting insects away from you when you’re in the great outdoors or enjoying your newly finished home renovation outdoor patio, can seem like fighting a losing battle. No matter how many mosquito nets you use, or how much bug spray, they keep coming back for more. That’s why so many people use insect repellent with powerful ingredients, as opposed to seeking out natural body care products which make be of assistance. However, there are many reasons why you might consider throwing away your regular bug spray and heading back to nature. Here’s why.

It Smells Nice

Regular bug spray smells toxic and disgusting. If it smells like that, imagine what’s in it? If you’d rather smell like a rose garden than a toxic wasteland, then consider natural body care products as insect repellents. Citronella, eucalyptus, lemon balm, lemongrass, lavender, soy oil, and black pepper are all natural ingredients which are equally as effective with repelling insects as the more strong DEET is.

It’s Effective

With only a small amount of research, you will quickly find that a significant number of natural body care products can help to send insects packing. Even the Centres for Disease Control and Prevention has eucalyptus oil on their list of effective mosquito repellents. It’s clear to see that DEET is not the only answer to stopping those pesky insect bites while you’re trying to enjoy a family summer barbecue. (more…)