How A Child’s Literacy Development Can Be Impacted By Speech Development Difficulties

How A Child's Literacy Development Can Be Impacted By Speech Development Difficulties

Whenever speech pathology is considered by those whose knowledge of the subject is somewhat lacking, the assumption is made that it applies purely to developing a child’s speech. Whilst that certainly forms a large part of what happens in speech pathology, some are surprised to learn that speech pathologists such as also work to support a child’s literacy skills too.

Bear in mind that, under the umbrella of “language”, it is not just a child’s speaking skills that need to develop, but their writing and reading skills too. Further, in many cases, there is a direct link between a child’s language skills as they apply to their speech and their ability to read and write.

Many children develop as expected, and the need for a speech pathologist to intervene is zero. However, some children develop speech problems that impact their literacy development. One such example is “Speech Sound Disorders” (SSD), which can cause problems for a child when they are learning to read and write.


10 Tips For Successful Lasik Eye Surgery Recovery

10 Tips For Successful Lasik Eye Surgery Recovery

Anyone who goes through Lasik eye surgery will no doubt be as keen as anything to go out into the world and see clearly without the need for glasses and contact lenses. That they will certainly be able to do, and soon, given that the recovery time from LASIK surgery can be as little as 24 hours.

However, as with any kind of surgical procedure, even one as quick and simple as Lasik eye surgery, there is still a recovery process. The more you stick to that process, and more importantly, to the guidelines given to you by your surgeon, the quicker any discomfort will pass, and the quicker you will be able to go back to your usual routine.

Here are is some advice and guidance relating to Lasik eye recovery to help make your recovery process as easy as possible.

Discomfort: You are likely to feel some discomfort after surgery, but it should be mild. This should be at worst for the first four hours or so, but after four hours it should start to diminish to the point that within 24 hours the discomfort should have completely dissipated.

Redness: Not everyone will experience redness in their eyes, but if it occurs it is nothing to be alarmed about. Normally the redness will be in the form of dark red spots in the whites of the eye, and they can last for several days.


How Air Conditioning Enhances Your Lifestyle


How do you cope with extreme cold or heat? Somehow, it seems easier to get warm in the winter than it does to get cool when the weather is extremely hot. In winter you can rug up in multiple warm layers, exercise to get warm or switch on the heater – or all three. But when the temperature is soaring and you wear minimal clothing you can still feel uncomfortably hot and sweaty unless you are lucky enough to have efficient air conditioning.

Even wearing all cotton clothing, shorts, tops with spaghetti straps and nothing on your feet it is still hot. When the heat goes on for weeks and months, it can leave you feeling lethargic and unable to be bothered with anything or anyone, especially when the nights are also hot. Hot nights make for restless sleeping – if you can get to sleep at all. Sleepless nights due to being uncomfortably hot can leave you searching for ducted air conditioning prices in the middle of the night.


A Simple Guide To Fire Extinguishers

A Simple Guide To Fire Extinguishers

Can you think of one piece of fire safety equipment which fire protection services companies get asked for more often than any other? Most of you who tried to answer would likely have said a fire extinguisher, and you would be correct. From the smallest one-roomed office to the largest manufacturing plant you can imagine, one or more fire extinguishers will be there.

The reasons for this are many, including the fact that fire extinguishers are convenient, they do not take up much space, they are relatively easy to operate, and in terms of their cost, they are affordable, compared to many of the more comprehensive fire protection options. As such, unless fire regulations state otherwise, and your building requires fire sprinklers for example,  a fire extinguisher is going to be the first available option when it comes to putting out a fire.

We mentioned that fire extinguishers are easy to operate and that is true. In most cases, it is a case of removing a pin, pointing the hose or outlet at the appropriate part of the fire, and then pressing the lever. Despite this simplicity of use, it is advisable that all staff are given brief instructions fire extinguisher use as part of their induction or initial training.

Part of that training also should include details about the different types of fire extinguisher that are on your premises. We say this because in Australia, and indeed most parts of the world, there are different classifications of fire extinguisher. In Australia, the number of classifications is 5, and the larger and more complex the premises you have, the more likely it is that you have two or more of these.


Are You Getting Enough of This One Nutrient?

Choline Food

Most people know the importance of eating well, exercising, and looking after their health. However, knowing and doing are two different things, and it can be a balancing act. You have to make sure you’re getting the right vitamins and minerals, enough sleep, enough water, enough of everything.

And while most people know they need iron, fibre, vitamin C, and similar, how familiar are you with choline? Believe it or not, this lesser-known nutrient is more important for your nutritional balance than you think.

Choline is in eggs, dairy, fish, and meat, and while your liver can produce it too, most of it needs to come from what we eat. Men require around 550mg per day, while women need 425mg – and more if they are pregnant or breastfeeding.

A single hardboiled egg offers 113mg, which would make you assume that most people get enough of this nutrient. The truth is, they aren’t. A National Health and Nutrition survey showed that 90 percent of adults, children, and pregnant women are not getting the recommended dosage every day.

Your body needs choline to regulate your muscle control, moods, and memory. It’s paramount for your brain and nervous system, and also helps to form membranes around the cells in your body.


Everything You Need to Know About Teeth Whitening

Teeth Whitening

An alarming number of people are not happy with their smile, and aside from chips, cracks, and imperfections, it can often come down to how white your teeth are. The next time you visit a dentist such as Dental O So Gentle, ask about their teeth whitening services.

Building the perfect set of teeth with teeth whitening is something that is growing more advanced by the day – taking less time and with more effective methods. Below, we run through everything you need to know about teeth whitening so you’re fully informed before getting the treatment for yourself.

What Teeth Whitening Options Are Available?

There are three main whitening options, all with varying degrees of effectiveness. The first is professional teeth whitening. Once you make an appointment with your dentist, they will talk you through the entire whitening process.

You choose the shade of white you prefer; then you receive a higher concentration of whitening solution than you would in an at-home kit. In only one visit, your teeth are far whiter than they were when you walked in. There are several benefits of professional teeth whitening, including having a trained professional carrying out the treatment and being a far more effective teeth whitening method than others.


What to Eat While Wearing a Waist Trainer

Waist Trainer

When you decide it’s time to get involved in waist training, there are many things you must consider. While the size, style, and exercises are all essential to think about, so too is your diet. Wearing a waist trainer means you may have to make some changes to how and what you eat – as well as the portion sizes and frequency.

Rather than three main meals a day, you will need to make it six small meals. To make sure you get as many nutrients as possible while waist training, we’ve included what you should eat below.

Fibre-Rich Food

During waist training, you may find that you suffer from constipation as a result of your stomach being compressed. To avoid the pain and discomfort of constipation, include fibre-rich food in your diet. Chia seeds, avocado, beans, peas, and berries are all loaded full of fibre while being nutritious and delicious at the same time. The best part is, they are versatile which means you can add them to your meals or eat them as snacks.

Food Rich in Potassium

While you may not feel the discomfort of water retention in your everyday clothing, you will feel it while you’re waist training. Therefore, to reduce the risk of retaining water or bloating, be sure to include potassium in your diet. Food high in potassium are bananas, spinach, and even peanut butter. They are all natural, flexible ingredients that you can incorporate into snacks and home-made meals.


Why You Need to Use Natural Insect Repellent

Natural Insect Repellent

Trying to keep biting insects away from you when you’re in the great outdoors or enjoying your newly finished home renovation outdoor patio, can seem like fighting a losing battle. No matter how many mosquito nets you use, or how much bug spray, they keep coming back for more. That’s why so many people use insect repellent with powerful ingredients, as opposed to seeking out natural body care products which make be of assistance. However, there are many reasons why you might consider throwing away your regular bug spray and heading back to nature. Here’s why.

It Smells Nice

Regular bug spray smells toxic and disgusting. If it smells like that, imagine what’s in it? If you’d rather smell like a rose garden than a toxic wasteland, then consider natural body care products as insect repellents. Citronella, eucalyptus, lemon balm, lemongrass, lavender, soy oil, and black pepper are all natural ingredients which are equally as effective with repelling insects as the more strong DEET is.

It’s Effective

With only a small amount of research, you will quickly find that a significant number of natural body care products can help to send insects packing. Even the Centres for Disease Control and Prevention has eucalyptus oil on their list of effective mosquito repellents. It’s clear to see that DEET is not the only answer to stopping those pesky insect bites while you’re trying to enjoy a family summer barbecue. (more…)

What Are My Options If I Lose A Tooth?

Lose A Tooth

Dental problems can affect both your oral and general health. If you lose or damage a tooth, you should always visit your dentist as soon as possible to reduce the risk of long-term damage. They will be able to advise you on the best course of action, and they may even be able to reset the lost tooth.

However, it is always helpful to know your options when things like this happen. If you lose a tooth, you should always look after it and call an emergency dentist to see if it can be saved. If it can’t, you do have several options.

What Should I Do If My Tooth Is Knocked Out?

If you lose a tooth while playing sports or undertaking some other physical activity, you must act quickly to give your dentist the best chance of saving it. First, you should locate the tooth if possible. Clean it in a glass of milk if one is available, and get to an emergency dentist as soon as possible. Make sure that the tooth doesn’t dry out. Otherwise, you might find it isn’t likely to be put back in. If you do the right thing and look after the knocked-out tooth properly, there is a fair chance that your dentist will be able to put it back in.


Why BodyBalance Group Fitness Classes are Beneficial for Body and Soul

BodyBalance Group Fitness

Who would have thought that a group fitness class would exist that would target your soul as well as your body? If you believe in having your mind as healthy as your body, then BodyBalance can be of assistance. Work out every facet of your being in a way that will see you feeling refreshed and revitalised. Here’s how BodyBalance can work for you.

You Can Leave Behind Your Day’s Stresses

Exercise has always been an excellent avenue for stress reduction. After frustrations at work, you can then go for a run or head to the gym and release all that pent-up emotion. However, traditional exercise only relieves the physical side rather than the mental side as well. With group fitness classes such as BodyBalance, you learn how to relax and unwind with meditation as well as get your fill of low to medium intensity exercises.

The Classes are the Perfect Length

Life is busy, and most instructors of group fitness classes know this. As a result, you can rest assured that such a class as BodyBalance is the perfect length for both your schedule and your fitness requirements. Most guidelines state that you need to have at least 30 minutes of exercise per day for up to five days a week. BodyBalance classes include 45 minutes of exercise followed by 10 minutes of meditation to wind down and relax your mind.


Financial Planning for People with a Disability

Investment Plan

If you or your child has a disability, you will know that there is a large financial cost involved with things such as wheelchairs and other aids as well as extra health care than may be needed. It is important then, to see a financial planner like Andep who can help you with the essentials of financial planning to make the best use of your budget. In fact, a financial advisor can become your best friend as they work to ensure your financial needs are taken care of.

Some people are born with a disability, while others are unfortunate enough to have an accident or an illness that caused it. The disability can be mild or worse and can be mental or physical. But the result of having it is often the same; your financial needs are greater, but often there is no chance of earning more money to cope with them. That’s why it’s important to make the most of what you have.


10 Healthy Living Tips You May Not have Thought About


Everyone wants to be healthy and enjoy their life – and there are many healthy living tips on the Internet and in women’s magazines. In fact, there are so many of the same old ones touted all the time we tend to get sick and tired of hearing them. So here are some lesser known tips that you may not have thought about for a long time.

  • Cut back on watching television. Studies have shown that people who watch two or less hours of television per day are 54% less likely to die from any cause than those who watch it for four or more hours. Must be all that sitting, unless you die of boredom from all those reruns.


What is a Dental Implant?

Dental Implant

Dental implants from professional cosmetic dentists are a procedure the dentist can do to replace a missing tooth or teeth, instead of the patient having a part plate or bridgework done. While the process takes longer to complete, it offers a good alternative that mimics natural teeth more closely and once done there is no discomfort or need to do anything extra such as removing a plate and cleaning it.

The first step when getting implants is for the dentist to x-ray the gums to ensure there is enough bone width and density to hold the screw securely. Once he is sure everything is suitable for this kind of treatment, he will drill down into the bone and screw the implant into place, then stitch the gum closed over the top.

Bassendean dentist have told us that in some cases the dentist may require a CT scan of the bone to ascertain where the nerve is, so he will not damage it during the drilling process. The implant, which looks like a small screw, is made of titanium, a material that is not only strong, but well known for being a metal that the body does not consider to be a foreign body and will accept without any sign of rejection.

Dental Implants

How long does it take?

It can take three to six months for osseointergration to take place. This is the process of the bone growing over the implant so that it forms a stable anchor for the tooth. If this does not happen the implant will not be successful.  You’ll need another x-ray in three months to check out whether the process is finished or needs a longer time for completion.


Home Remedies To Manage Common Illnesses

Even though modern medicines have been gaining popularity today, for the last hundreds of years, home remedies, and natural herbal remedies have been used to cure common ailments. These natural remedies offer a permanent relief from certain chronic ailments and make them non-recurring.

You wake up with a next cold morning as a result of having ice cream the previous day, your kid returns home from school with a muscle sprain after play time, your husband returns home from the office with a cough. Do you think it is utterly necessary to visit the doctor every time for such cases? Not!

Natural home remedies come in handy at times when the situation does not permit you to run to a physician. They are natural, less expensive and do not cause any side effects unlike modern medicines prescribed by your doctor.

This home remedy varies from location to location. They have been followed since the origin of various civilizations. Most historical cookbooks prescribe natural home remedies for fever, common cold, muscle sprain, acne, cough, beauty enhancement, etc. Since then they have been followed by our ancestors and passed on for generations.


Must Eat Zero Calorie Foods

There is an urgent need to increase the intake of zero calorie foods for maintaining a great health as well as reduce the heat created in your body. These zero calorie foods need more energy to get digested than the energy they provide you with. Thus they are great foods that will allow you to feel full in your stomach and they also reduce the chances of gaining weight along with providing you with nutrients. Make sure that you choose to eat fruits although they are high on sugars but yet they are low on calories which make them the best choice for zero calorie foods.

List of Zero Calorie Foods:


Fruits like apricots, grapefruits, tangerines and strawberries are great zero calorie foods that also have high concentrations of fiber which help in conducting proper metabolism and reduce constipation. These fibers are more difficult for the body to digest and hence they consume more energy that is provided by the foodstuffs. Vitamin C is essential for a robust immune system and they also act as great antioxidants. Some of these fruits also have good compositions of vitamin A which help in increasing the strength of vision and the skin quality.


5 Amazing Memoirs About Addiction

One of the best ways to keep busy and on the sobriety path is to read. And what better books to read than the brutally honest memoirs of successful, Addiction Recovery who have been in your shoes? These books not only help you educate yourself on addiction, but inspire you to continue to thrive and give you an understanding of your journey and the ways you share it with millions of others. Here are five books to read that will make you appreciate your personal experience and how far you have come, and grasp the willpower it takes to always push forward.

1) Permanent Midnight: A gritty, no-holds-barred account of one heroin addict’s journey to what he refers to as a “self-resurrection.” Written from a sober point of view, he recounts his days as an up-and-coming writer who lost himself to his addiction.

Quote: “Not until I stopped doing drugs altogether did I feel like a man. Not until I walked out of that fire did I have any idea what the word even meant.”


Foods that can Improve your Mood

Are you suffering from certain mood swings and need a home remedy for it? Well there are certain foods which have been established by scientists as mood improving foods. These foods can change the demeanor of your personality and there is a direct correlation between the food that constitutes your diet and the mood you project. It is a common notion that the ‘gut’ is the second brain.

Ensure that your diet contains anti-inflammatory foods that help you reduce your stress levels, maintain composure and help you maintain your energy levels. On the contrary if you eat processed food you will find that they have the exact opposite effect on your moods. It is also necessary to make sure to implement fatigue fighting foods that help you maintain all the energy in your body.

In this section we have taken the liberty to help you find the best anti-inflammatory and fatigue fighting foods that will help you all year around and can be used as a secondary medicine for all your diseases. Just make sure that you consult your doctor before you include any of these foods in your diet.


4 Problems You Will Uncover on Your Way to Sobriety

According to Sivana Rehab, the road to sobriety otherwise known as substance rehabilitation is a long, hard one, but it must be faced. While you will have good days throughout your journey, you will also have bad days and sometimes these bad days will make you want to relapse or head back toward your old ways.

Many people find themselves drinking excessively, especially in time of stress, upset, and anger. Below, we will go over some underlying problems that also reside in you because they simply coincide with your alcohol addiction.

  1. You Cannot Stop Drinking on Willpower Alone

While you may have the willpower to want to stop, willpower alone is not going to make you stop drinking. In fact, many people want to stop drinking, but they simply cannot. The only way to truly overcome the addiction is to find different ways to decrease the need or want to drink.


Rehab aftercare, use it!


Many drug rehabs offer an aftercare program of some sort, usually a program that offers support of one kind or another to help you keep on track after you have completed drug rehab. Use these programs, if the opportunity presents itself. Keeping on track is as much about being strong within yourself as it is the support that you have around you – aftercare programs offer that support, and it really is priceless and has helped countless people when the real world gets hard.

Life is very hard at times, and having somewhere to go, or someone to talk to who will give you perspective is a proven method of being able to overcome triggers and stress that could lead to a relapse.

Aftercare programs differ and can offer everything from just being able to call someone to talk to when you need it, or you could be offered housing and support from others in a similar situation around you. Whatever you are offered, take advantage of it, and use it as a tool to help you stay sober, and build up a new life without addiction, but with support and possibilities.


4 Common Dental Procedures

Dental Procedures

Most people consider going to a dentist to be one of the worst experiences of their life, even if it is essential to stop pain. But with the many new techniques available today, dental procedures don’t have to be painful. Even the pain of the dreaded numbing needle can be reduce when the gum is numbed with a topical application before the main numbing solution is injected.

Going to the dentist is something that should be done on a regular basis to catch problems before they become major and ensure treatment given will be as effective as possible.

Here are 4 common dental procedures you may need.


  • Remove decay and repair tooth. Most people with decays find it necessary to have a numbing injection before having the decay drilled out. If you don’t have it, the drill can hit a nerve and that will make you jump.  Once the area is numb, you won’t feel any pain, but you may still feel some pressure as the procedure is done.  The decayed parts of the tooth have to be removed, the area cleaned and a filling put into the cavity to prevent any more decay. The material used is set using a light or laser, making the filling very strong.
  • Root canal treatment. This is done when the root of the tooth becomes infected, which happens if you don’t get decays seen to, or if fillings get loose and allow bacteria in. The treatment includes scraping the pulp out of the root canal and treating it to remove the infection. This usually has to be done over several weeks before the cavity can be completely filled and sealed off.  If it is not treated, the tooth is likely to fall out and it will lead to gum disease, which is a serious health problem.


How Long do Botox Injections Last?

Before you even start Botox injections you will want to know how long they are going to last. After all, such treatment is not cheap and you want to get value for money and know what the ongoing cost is to be. In addition, you will want to organise your schedule so that you can have more done when necessary. The short answer to how long will they last is 2-6 months, or on average, 3-4 months.

However, much depends on the person and on their lifestyle. For instance, a person with strong facial muscles – usually, but not always, a man – will find the Botox injection does not last as long as someone with weaker muscles. Why is this? There are several reasons, Clinics on the Botox Perth list will tell you this:

Time matters

Botox works by temporarily paralysing the muscles that cause the wrinkles. If those muscles are strong, they will recover much more quickly. Another part of the equation is the time between injections. You may think you are saving costs by waiting until the muscle has quite recovered and the wrinkle is again established, but this is not the way to get the best result.


Staying Safe is as Important as Staying Healthy

Use Electricity Safely

Health is not always just about the absence of sickness and disease; it is also about staying safe and avoiding harm.  Most electricians have experienced times when they’ve been called to a home where the wiring was not in a safe condition through age or damage by pests such as rodents.  Wiring that is in the ceiling cavity is exposed to very high temperatures that help to degrade the covering. That makes it dangerous to your health as it can short out and start a fire.

The same thing can happen when mice or rats chew the wires, especially if they make a nest in the ceiling with bits of paper, dried grass or scraps of cloth, all of which can catch fire quickly from a spark.  If you live in an older home, it would be wise to have the electric wires in the ceiling checked out.  If they need replacing it is an almost sure bet that the wires in the walls will also be in a bad condition. These too, should be replaced.


Post-Op Recovery from Liposuction


While liposuction may not seem like a serious operation, sometimes the recovery period takes longer than you would expect. And in some cases there are – if not exactly problems – unwanted side-effects. This usually depends on the type of liposuction you have and how much you have. For instance, if you have a large area done, or if it is done using ultrasonic assisted technology you could develop seromas.

What is a seroma?

A seroma is a collection of serum, otherwise known as lymph fluid. It is derived from the blood but is not the same colour as blood, being more of a yellowish colour because there are no red or white blood cells left in it. They are usually caused by the use of a wide diameter cannula or aggressive suction during the Perth liposuction procedure where there is a lump of fat that needs to be removed.  Seromas are common after using ultrasonic assisted liposuction. These all destroy the lymphatic vessels that would otherwise be able to siphon off this fluid and remove it.
