How A Child’s Literacy Development Can Be Impacted By Speech Development Difficulties
Whenever speech pathology is considered by those whose knowledge of the subject is somewhat lacking, the assumption is made that it applies purely to developing a child’s speech. Whilst that certainly forms a large part of what happens in speech pathology, some are surprised to learn that speech pathologists such as also work to support a child’s literacy skills too.
Bear in mind that, under the umbrella of “language”, it is not just a child’s speaking skills that need to develop, but their writing and reading skills too. Further, in many cases, there is a direct link between a child’s language skills as they apply to their speech and their ability to read and write.
Many children develop as expected, and the need for a speech pathologist to intervene is zero. However, some children develop speech problems that impact their literacy development. One such example is “Speech Sound Disorders” (SSD), which can cause problems for a child when they are learning to read and write.