Are You Getting Enough of This One Nutrient?
Most people know the importance of eating well, exercising, and looking after their health. However, knowing and doing are two different things, and it can be a balancing act. You have to make sure you’re getting the right vitamins and minerals, enough sleep, enough water, enough of everything.
And while most people know they need iron, fibre, vitamin C, and similar, how familiar are you with choline? Believe it or not, this lesser-known nutrient is more important for your nutritional balance than you think.
Choline is in eggs, dairy, fish, and meat, and while your liver can produce it too, most of it needs to come from what we eat. Men require around 550mg per day, while women need 425mg – and more if they are pregnant or breastfeeding.
A single hardboiled egg offers 113mg, which would make you assume that most people get enough of this nutrient. The truth is, they aren’t. A National Health and Nutrition survey showed that 90 percent of adults, children, and pregnant women are not getting the recommended dosage every day.
Your body needs choline to regulate your muscle control, moods, and memory. It’s paramount for your brain and nervous system, and also helps to form membranes around the cells in your body.