Wines and sparkling champagnes are some of the most coveted drinks on this planet. There are many manufacturers who produce some of the best wines that are created from some of the best grapes and are charged at exorbitant rates. But is there a direct correlation between high prices and better quality wine? In this section we have pondered about this dilemma and come up with the solution to this intriguing question.
About Expensive Wines:
A thumb rule is that an expensive wine is tastier that a cheap wine. This rule is purely biased towards the marketing of that expensive wine and not depending on the actual quality of that wine. A wide study revealed that expensive wine is more enjoyed by the connoisseurs and cheap wine was more enjoyed by the lesser wine experts. A test was conducted among 6,000 random wine tasters which revealed that most of the non-connoisseurs liked the cheap wine than the expensive wines. This test also showed a negative correlation between good tasting wine and expensive wines.
The main reason of why this was so was because there is an admissible quantity of residual sugar in the wines which help in increasing the aroma and flavor of the wines which make it more pleasant for the not so expert people in the wine tasting industry.
What are residual sugars?
The sugars that are found in wines are called as residual sugars which is not a product of the corn syrup but infact is found in the juice of the grapes the wines are made up of. These sugars consist of the fructose and glucose. The process of making the wine is the fermentation of all the sugar into alcohol but the inexpensive wines cannot covert 100% of the sugar into alcohol which has a residual of sugars.
Why is residual sugar common in Cheap Wines?
You may be wondering why residual sugar is common in cheap wines. You need to understand that the wines are created by the same processes regardless of the expensive nature of the wines. The sugar converts into the alcohol that is a process called fermentation. But the grapes used in this process change the complete dynamics of the wine. Expensive wines have their sugar completely disintegrated into alcohol yet they have a distinct richness about their taste. But on the other hand cheap wines do not decompose the complete sugar which leaves residues in the product to provide it with sweetness. If you are a connoisseur you will have the ability to distinguish the sweetness of the cheap and expensive wines by tasting and smelling the aroma of the wine.
It is not always necessary to have a wine quality ethics or choose the most expensive wine. Having wine with your food is a gesture to enjoy the occasion which is the major objective of replenishing your body with wine. Just make sure that you do not waste too much money buying the right wine since you need to choose a wine to your liking and taste preferences. Never misunderstand that having sugar in your wine is a bad sign for bad wine. Some of the finest wines still have a small fraction of sugar in it.