6 Jewellery Trends of 2018 and Beyond
Every time you take a trip to one of the many jewellers in towns and cities near you, what’s on offer changes. The fashions and trends that may have been there last time may be nowhere to be seen, and items you’ve never seen before may be in their place. Like clothing, jewellery trends change as frequently, but it takes your close attention and eye for detail to notice them.
If you are planning your wedding or want to be one step ahead of others in the fashion scene, make sure you visit local jewellers and buy one or more of these six on-trend items for 2018 and beyond.
Hoop Earrings
During the 1960s, hoop earrings were very much the on-trend accessory. African American women who embraced their Afrocentric fashion led the way, and before long, they formed a significant part of 1960s fashion. However, as quickly as the trend arrived, it disappeared, leaving women to pack away their hoop earrings into jewellery boxes and hope it would roll around sometime soon. While it took a little longer than expected, that time is now, with mid-sized hoop earrings hitting the fashion scene once more.
While we don’t see the same oversized hoops of the 1960s, the subtle beauty of gold mid-sized hoops you can buy at town jewellers are back, and there’s no time like the present to get some for yourself so you can be a part of the hoop revolution.
Layering Bracelets
In the 1990s and early 2000s, you could see bracelets on women’s arms before you could look at the women themselves. Layering bracelets were a big hit, and the more you could fit onto your arms, the better. With a 20-plus year hiatus, layering bracelets are back – albeit a little classier. Instead of jelly rubber bracelets and leather straps, they consist of high-quality metals such as gold and silver. Women and men are now visiting their jewellers, buying more than one bangle at a time to wear together with blazers and other office attire.