Tuesday 25 June, 6.30-8.30pm
Join us for a talk and discussion event with Simon Senn and Holly Pester, artists in our current show A Small Hiccup.
6.30pm Simon Senn & Vasi Hasan
Swiss artist Simon Senn produced his video ‘Gulberg’, for our current exhibition ‘A Small Hiccup’, in collaboration with Birmingham based business man Vasi Hasan.
Hasan is the director of Rola, an advertisement video production company that has offices in both Pakistan and the UK. Simon hired Vasi to produce the video with his employees in Pakistan.
For this talk, Vasi will introduce his career, followed by a conversation with Simon Senn discussing their collaboration.
7.20pm Reading by Holly Pester, followed by a discussion with Dr. Gabriela Saldanha
Poet Holly Pester and translation theorist Dr. Gabriela Saldanha, discuss the subvocal, the political and the creative impulse in literary translation.
Holly’s work ‘News Piece’ is featured in ‘A Small Hiccup’. She will also be in residence at Grand Union from 24 to 30 June investigating linguistic malfunction and mistranslation to create new works and critical writing.
If you can’t make the talk, you can visit Holly at the gallery between 27 to 29 June, 12-5pm.
The gallery will be open from 6pm so you can see Simon’s film and hear Holly’s sound piece in the exhibition.